CRYSTN HUNT AKRON aka Christine Hinterkörner is a music producer and artist in the fields of contemporary, electronic, experimental music and performing arts. Graduate at the Anton Bruckner Private University Linz AT (2006) in Jazz and Popvocals and Music and Media Technology. She composes and sings for various music, theater, dance projects and sound installations. As a music producer and composer she prefers industrial noises, coupled with dramatic and minimalistic sounds. The prepared grand piano is also used in her work. She is particularly fond of recording broken instruments, everyday objects to breathe new life into them and to create a new world of sounds.
CRYSTN HUNT AKRON alias Christine Hinterkörner ist Musikproduzentin und Künstlerin in den Bereichen zeitgenössische, elektronische, experimentelle Musik und darstellende Kunst. Sie ist Absolventin an der Anton Bruckner Privatuniversität Linz AT (2006) Jazz und Popvocals und Musik- und Medientechnik. Sie komponiert und singt für verschiedene Musik-, Theater-, Tanzprojekten und Klanginstallationen. Als Musik Produzentin und Komponistin bevorzugt sie Industrial Klänge, gepaart mit dramatischen und minimalistischen Sounds. In ihrer Arbeit kommt auch das präparierte Klavier zum Einsatz. Besonderen Gefallen findet sie im Aufnehmen kaputter Instrumente, Alltagsgegenstände um ihnen neues Leben einzuhauchen und eine neue Welt der Klänge zu kreieren.
Music Composition & SOUNDtrack for:
A Brave New World / Theater Phönix Linz (AT)
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Noise becomes music.
An Electro-Acoustic Symphony Out Of Steel And Iron. Bakar - place of a raffenerie and coking. Several microphones were positioned at different places on a coal freighter/ship. The sounds that the ship itself produced were recorded and the musician and composer Christine Hinterkörner composed these sounds and noises into an electroacoustic musical symphony.
For the EBRIPHON live presentation a performance in collaboration with musicians and singers in Bakar will be worked out by Christine Hinterkörner and Patrik Huber. This presentation in the city of Bakar will take place in July 2020.
The soundinstallation EBRIPHON will be shown on a ship as part of the Cultural Main City Rijeka in the port of Rijeka from July until August 2020.
Supported by City Linz Export 2018/Austria, Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb BMEIA, Federal Ministry Republic of Austria and Municipality Bakar.
The Life. The Magic. And everything in between. Change is the only constant in life. To be exact, that oscillating between two poles. Man or women. Humanoid or artifical. Analog or digital.
CRYSTN HUNT AKRON is curently working on her new album Lick My Fur.
Crystn hunt akron
Music composition for A dance theater performance
Eine überbordend desaströse Revue von Performancekünstler, Musiker und Autor Patrik Huber. Aufgeführt im Rahmen des Tanzhafenfestivals Linz 2017.
"Den eigenen Kopf mit seinen blöden Fixiertheiten frei kriegen. Durchlüften, sich auf einen anderen Kopf einlassen." Üppig Gelegenheit dazu bot die Performance End of the Rain am Montag im sehr vollen Linzer Central. Insgesamt 19 Akteure tanzen, rezitieren, spielen das Spiel zwischen Nonsense und existenziellem Tiefgang mit. Wir Erdwürmer stülpen Sinn über die Dinge, den Dingen ist das egal. Fetter Beifall, ein kräftiger und — surreal wie die Show: schwarzer Farbtupfer des „Tanzhafen“-Festivals." (Neues Volksblatt, Christian Pichler, 2017)
For the composition of the performance "End Of The Rain" Crystn Hunt Akron was concentrated on the well balance between spoken words, language and music. A good feeling for the interaction of the individual components was required. As a sound foundation, Crystn Hunt Akron uses heavy industrial sounds paired with acoustic drums, prepared broken grand piano noises, pulse, rhythmic and a non-rhythmic in an equal interplay. The composition for this performance was to find a way to support the interdisziplinary components between dancers, performers, actors to make the abstrakt way visible. Intensification of emotions and in the next step transforming them into a physical language. The sound of Crystn Hunt Akron works like a bottom for this canalisation.
Photos: Arnold Walter
POems For anarchy
chrystn hunt akron
Poems for Anarchy (2016)
Soundtrack, Composition
The art book "Poems for Anarchy" contains 50 poems written by the performer, theater actor, writer, singer, director Patrik Huber and 50 photo Artworks by Photographers from Austria and Spain. The poems were also implemented musically with different musicians, including Crystn Hunt Akron.
For the composition Crystn Hunt Akron used on the one hand mostly piano sounds and composes in a very simple songstructures to keep it raw to reflect the intensity of the lyrics of the book and on the other hand she used experimental electronic sounds. Easy but deep.
Photos: Robert Maybach, Acht Schätze
"Free All Stars"
Remix by Alain Thibault, Montreal (2014)
A track of MADAME HUMTATA´s Studio Album "Fat Black Spider"
Alain Thibault is a composer, sound designer and electronic music artist. His works has been presented in several contexts, contemporary music and digital arts festivals, in Canada, Europe (Chatelet Theater and Radio- France in Paris, etc.) and Asia (Yamaguchi YCAM Japan, South-Korea, Taïwan, etc.). With media artist Yan Breuleux, he formed the duo PurForm. They are presently touring their new AV performance, abcd_light, in Europe and Asia. With American artist Matthew Biederman, he created the duo RAY_XXXX, whose PULSE performance was presented in Italy, France and Brazil. Thibault is presently artistic director of Elektra, an international digital arts festival, presented every year in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
"Free All Stars"
remix by Fump, Berlin (2014)
A track of MADAME HUMTATA´s Studio Album "Fat Black Spider"
Fump aka Clemens Pichler is a musician, composer and producer - plays for Austrian and German projects at home and abroad, a. Hans Söllner, Laine, Madama Humtata, Fump, Trio Reflections, Brunowurstelvonwunster, Frank Hueber. From 2003 to today, eight CD / Vinyl releases were produced.
photo: Oskar Open Air Ottensheim
MADAME HUMTATA Remix panagitotis
Remix by PanagiotiS, New York (2013)
A track of MADAME HUMTATA´s Studio Album "Fat Black Spider"
The in New York based musician and music producer Panagiotis and Madame Humtata met each other at a traditional Greek Tavern with delicious food on the Island of Donussa, where Panagiotis Father is the owner of the authentic Greek Tavern.
feat. madame humtata
AMB feat. Madame Humtata, London (2007)
AMB is an electronic music producer based in London. Madame Humtata and AMB met each other during the Festival Performa. Performa is a multidisciplinary non-profit arts organization dedicated to exploring the critical role of live performance in the history of twentieth century art and to encouraging new directions in performance for the twenty-first century. Part of Performa’s mission is to present a biennial of visual art performance in New York City that illuminates the critical role of performance in the history of art as well as its enormous significance in the international world of contemporary art.
DEBUTalbum "Fat Black Spider"
2010 the debut album of Crystn Hunt Akron aka MADAME HUMTATA is released. Produced by Michael Hornek, Vienna. Label monkey music Vienna. Lyrics & composition by MADAME HUMTATA.
Cover Artwork: Stiliana Mitzeva, Photo: Florian Holter
The album was reviewed in various national and international music magazines and is honored with the Anton Bruckner Compositions Award of the Culture Departement City Linz/Austria READ MORE ...
Live Performances: Kunsthalle Wien Project Space 2010 (AT), Cafe Druzba - Harrachsthal (AT), Ars Electronica Festival 2011 (AT), Stadtwerkstatt Linz (AT), Drap Art Festival Barcelona (ES), Ars Electronica Center, Digitaler Medienpreis Marianne von Willemer 2012 (AT), Local Bühne Freistadt 2012 (AT), Kulturverein St. Leonhard 2012 (AT), Movida Festival Salzburg 2012 (AT), Herbstklangfestival Wien 2012 (AT), Teatro Calderón 2012, Alcoi (ES), L´Antic Teatre, Barcelona 2012 (ES), Mind Less Festival, Ars Electronica Festival 2017 (AT), Festival Carneval Of Fear 2017 (AT) ...
Out now on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon and more!
"Fat Black Spider" - Official Musicvideo
Directed by Las Gafas Linz, AT
There are two souls in her breast: MADAME HUMTATA sings about the inner struggle with herself, the charm of evil, and the forceful act to rebel against it. Where the fox and the hare say good night, the trees are bent. And in gruesome-beautiful pictures, the idyllic tipping slowly into the horror.
"Fat Black Spider" was shown at: Festival Crossing Europe 2011 Linz (AT)
"ADDICTED" ART Video Excerpt of Madame Humtata´s Live Show (2010)
Directed by Reinhold Bidner (InOut)
Are there „real“ answers or do we only project them into our head? Are we lonesome individuals in need of protection, or multiple creatures driven by egoism?
Addicted was shown at: Kunsthalle Wien (AT), Project Space Cafe Druzba - Harrachsthal (AT), Ars Electronica Festival 2011 (AT), Stadtwerkstatt Linz (AT), Drap Art - Festival Barcelona (ES), Teatro Calderón 2012, Alcoi (ES), L´Antic Teatre, Barcelona 2012 (ES), Diagonale Graz 2012 (AT), Topkino Wien 2012 (AT).
Rental Agency for Addicted: Sixpackfilm Vienna.
Music, Vocals & Directed by
Crystn Hunt Akron & Georgie Gold
"The moon is eating the sun and everything is burned down, my tears are stories searching their way back home"
Lo-Fi mobile phone camera produced video.
Lyrcis & Vocals: Georgie Gold
Composition & Vocals: MADAME HUMTATA
Music Composition for the interactive Dance-Installation & performance (2010)
In the interdisciplinary Project Blackbox the artists formation The Guinea Pig Collective - Iris Heitzinger, Dietmar Suoch, Crystn Hunt Akron critically looks at multimediality. In an interactive installation, which combines performance arts with audiovisual art and new media technology, modern mechanisms of communication are interpreted and questioned. The central focus lies hereby on the question of intimacy in virtual spaces. The project combines theoretical processing and the artistic realization in a direct realationship to each other just as much as the topicality of the theme and the interactive and interdisciplinary approach.
2009 Blackbox was honored with the Podium09 award of the county of Salzburg for their Installation project Blackbox. The performance Blackbox will be supported and hosted by the festival Basics 2010, being produced in collaboration with ARGEkultur Salzburg AT.
Blackbox was shown at: La Caldera Grec '10 Barcleona, Teatre l'Atlàntida de Vic ES, Dansa Ara ES, ARGEkultur AT, La Caldera Barcelona, Kosmos Theater Vienna AT, 2010 tanz_house Herbst 2009.
Photos: Yoana Miguel
Sirena a la plancha
/ Music composition
/ musical director
/ live singer
for the contemporary dancecompany
"Sol Picó", Barcelona (2008)
"Grilled Mermaid" is a large street piece where street theater and dance is combined and work in open spaces with large structures.
"Sirena a la plancha" is an order of the Zaragoza Expo, whose theme revolves around the scarcity of water and the female management of this necessary resource. Sol Picó, creates a fable by a Giant Mermaid (8 meters) that tries to save the world from the worst of droughts.
2009 MAX - Award of the Performing Arts - Best dance performance for "Sirena a la plancha"
CRYSTN HUNT AKRON composed the soundtrack for this 1 hour dance theater show. She uses traditional mexican mariachi sounds and combined them with electronic industrial sounds. In addiction to the composing, Crystn Hunt Akron also has been singing at the live shows.
Performances: Touring in Europe and Asia.
Las Doñas
/ Music composition
/ musical director
/ live singer
for the contemporary dancecompany
"Sol Picó", Barcelona (2007)
"Las Doñas" is a performance piece in which three women interact: we find dance interpreter Sol Picó, in Plastic Arts Elvira Granados and live musician and singer Crystn Hunt Akron. This work is unique it has been raised in an open way. Each time it is done, the result will be different. Painting and dance combine to show us the conflict, the clash, the confrontation between the universes of each of the artists.
CRYSTN HUNT AKRON composed the soundtrack for this 1 hour dance theater show. She uses music tracks from the genre "alternative" and combined them with electronic industrial sounds. In addiction to the composed music Crystn Hunt Akron also has been singing at the live shows.
Performances on the ship NAUMON, LA FURA DELS BAUS, Barcelona ES
Breve ensayo sobre la nada - Remix
Music compositIon for the dancer and choreographer Iris Heitzinger
“Short study on Nothing” is a whole-hearted venture, an experiment between performer and audience. The choreographer and performer Iris Heitzinger focuses on the present moment and it’s continues flowing towards memory. Her point of departure is an attitude of unintentionality in order to savour each moment in it’s emergence, presence and passing and to invite the audience to experience this cycle with her. What remains are traces of the occurred in our memory.
Crystn Hunt Akron composed the music for the danceperformance "Breve sobre la nada - Remix". With 2 microphones she recorded sounds from a prepared concert grand piano and improvises in the here and now. The sounds are used as they are at the moment. Raw and unprocessed.